Want a
night in...
with a home
cooked meal...
some drinks... and dessert?

Aluminium is used in every day life

Watch how we interact with aluminium everyday

Why is Aluminium
used in Food & Beverage?

Aluminium conducts heat

Aluminium distributes heat evenly improving the cooking of food in the oven.

Aluminium is sterile and safe

Aluminium is used in direct contact with foodstuffs and beverages – so it helps to keep food fresh for longer (and doesn’t have taste or smell).

Aluminium is infinitely recyclable

Aluminium can be recycled repeatedly without any loss in quality, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly material with the potential for continuous reuse in various applications.

Do you know about the advantages
of Aluminium in Australia?

Job creation

jobs created in Australia

The aluminium industry directly employs around 20,000 people and puts food on the table for around 60,000 families – mostly in Australia's regional locations.


in export earnings

More than $15B in export earnings across bauxite, alumina and aluminium every year. Aluminium is Australia's largest manufacturing export.

From mine to market

Australia's unique advantage is being one of the few countries which has the entire value chain of aluminium.

From bauxite mines, alumina refineries, aluminium smelters and downstream manufacturers through to market, Australia can do it all. Aluminium is one of the few products mined, refined, smelted, extruded and distributed right here in Australia - going through more than 5 sets of Australian hands before it ends up in homes and businesses around the world.

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the aluminium industry in Australia

Aluminium is used in everyday life

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About us

The Australian Aluminium Council is the peak industry association representing the Australian aluminium industry from mine to market.

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