
The Australian aluminium industry has been operating in Australia since 1955, and over the decades has been a significant contributor to the Australian economy.  

However, despite many decades of economic contribution, the industry is globally comparatively young and well maintained. In fact, every reduction cell (or pot) in an aluminium smelter is replaced every 5-6 years, so while the buildings can be a lot older, the operating system is not.

The industry currently consists of:


Bauxite mines (> 10 Mt)*

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Alumina refineries

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Aluminium smelters

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*There are also several smaller (<10 Mt) bauxite mines operating in Australia.

Australia is one of the world’s largest producers of bauxite. In , Australian bauxite production was million tonnes (Mt). Mt of bauxite was exported, and the remainder converted to Australian alumina.

Australia alumina production in was million tonnes. Australia maintained its position as the second largest producer of alumina and the world’s largest exporter, with Mt exported in .

Australian primary aluminium metal production was million tonnes in , the world’s seventh largest producer.

Australia’s aluminium industry is a key employer and contributor in the communities in which we operate.


Jobs created in Australia



Families provided with income by the industry


In export earnings across bauxite, alumina and aluminium every year