The EQIP Business, Industry and Tourism Skills Centre (EBITS) Centre is a partnership between Education Queensland and Boyne Smelters Limited, with additional funding and support from EQIP Gladstone.
The programme, which has been running for more than 13 years, enables students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are participating in business, tourism and active volunteering courses to complete part of their studies working in an authentic work environment at BSL. Students are also given work experience tasks within the plant, while BSL employees from various roles often provide discussions and mentoring opportunities for EBITS students.
In October 2019, EQIP was recognised at the Queensland Training Awards, taking out the win in the ‘Premier’s Industry Collaboration’ category. The award acknowledges both EQIP and industry’s contribution to developing both the next-generation workforce and Gladstone’s economic growth.
More about EQIP
EQIP’s creates opportunities for year 10, 11 and 12 students from high schools in the Gladstone region to develop valuable skills, knowledge and experience to support a smoother transition from education to employment or further study.
EQIP provides opportunities for students to:
- Gain work-ready skills and experience in one of seven vocational education authentic workplace learning programmes. Students complete structured work experience onsite at local business and industry and gain certificate qualifications in their chosen pathway. Advisory committees provide guidance on programme delivery and development.
- Participate in workshops to understand and develop employability skills important for success in the working world.
- Participate in work experience with local businesses to get first-hand knowledge of specific industries and vocations. Students observe people at work and may get the opportunity to do some entry to mid-level tasks.
- Engage with industry and education partners at the Gladstone Careers Expo to explore potential pathways following school and help them to make informed career choices.
There are many students who are not quite sure which pathway they want to take when leaving school and it’s opportunities like those offered through EQIP that allow students to explore the various options available to them. This ensures that students stay engaged in schooling as they are offered alternative education opportunities that complement their school experience and curriculum.
EQIP Business, Industry and Tourism Skills Centre (EBITS)
Course Duration:
1 year
Course Overview:
- The EBITS programme is delivered onsite in a professional business suite at Boyne Smelters Limited.
- Students study a Certificate II or III in Business, Certificate II in Tourism and/or Active Volunteering.
- Students are heavily involved in the community, attending networking meetings and assisting with a number of local events, for example:
- Attending Gladstone Chamber of Commerce and Industry monthly meetings to learn more about small to medium businesses in our region.
- Completing Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited Ambassador Training to volunteer to welcome and provide support for P&O Cruise ship passengers visiting Gladstone.
- Assisting with activities at the annual Boyne Tannum Hookup
- Volunteering on the day at the RSPCA Million Paws Walk
- Running the drink station at the Botanic to Bridge event
- Assisting with marketing and attending as ambassadors at the EQIP Gladstone Careers Expo.
Students select additional activities and volunteering opportunities throughout the year based on their individual interests.
- Certificate II Business (Year 10): Approximately 20 students per year
- Certificate III Business (Year 10-12): Approximately 20 students per year
- Certificate II Tourism & Active Volunteering: Approximately 20 year 12 students.
Employment in Business, Tourism or Services Sector. Or tertiary studies.